Many people look to a pest control service in Kansas City this time of year for advice on controlling fleas. Milberger Pest Control is here to help. Flea control in warmer weather is a challenge. The humidity of summer brings an increased population of fleas and the problems they can cause. Warm weather also brings pet owners and their pets outside, making you both an easy target for infestation. Fortunately, there are many safe and effective pest control options to prevent fleas and ticks.
To prevent continuous flea infestation, you must interrupt the flea’s life cycle at an immature stage. For best results, you’ll need to use multiple techniques in order to kill adult fleas and at least one immature stage. Flea control is best achieved by a 2-fold approach: 1. placing pets on a preventive product, and 2. professional treatment of inside and outside of the home.
There are numerous product choices available and your veterinarian can help you determine which is the best option for your pet. Only a professional pest control service in Kansas City like Milberger Pest Control can evaluate your home situation and treat your flea problem safely and effectively.
Outside dog and cat houses are notorious for breeding fleas. Milberger Pest Control service in Kansas City recommends using a plastic pet house for outdoor use rather than a wooden one. This will allow you to wash the inside of the house once a week with a strong water spray in order to kill flea larvae and not worry about mildew destroying the wood.
Eggs and larvae are effectively killed by soaking in water. Therefore, you can destroy these immature stages by soaking outside areas at least once a week throughout flea season. By far the majority of fleas outside will be concentrated around your pet’s shaded resting and sleeping areas. Therefore, Milberger Pest Control service in Kansas City recommends focusing on the particular locations that your pet frequents that are protected from the sun.
Another technique is to spread nematodes outside. Nematodes are very tiny worm-like creatures that naturally live in healthy soil, and there is a particular type of nematode that destroys flea larvae and cocoons. The product is called BioFlea Halt when sold in pet stores, or Interrupt when sold through veterinarians.
When you need a pest control service in Kansas City, whatever type of pest you’re dealing with, Milberger is here to help. For more information, call Milberger Pest Control at (816) 761-1313 in Missouri and (913) 384-6760 in Kansas. To request a free quote, click here.