Fall Pest Control for Mice

Tackling pest control for mice now while the weather is nice is the best time to prevent future infestations. Give Blue Springs, Independence, Raytown and Kansas City pest control experts Everett Milberger Pest Control a call today!

Are you looking to start preparing to reduce mice in your home this fall? Here are our recommendations: 

1)    Check seals on garage doors, entryways and walls. Inspect for holes, chewing or any point of access. Take time to seal the gaps and cracks mice use to enter your home. 
2)    Remove sources of food and shelter. This means keeping edible or soft items mice may use for bedding, such as garden gloves or moving blankets in plastic containers so they are out of reach. We recommend large storage containers for dog food, bird seed and other animal feeds and disposing of trash into your larger containers immediately (never keeping full bags on a garage or kitchen floor overnight as mice will be attracted to this smell and can and will easily chew through the bag to rummage for goodies). Mice will shelter anywhere warm and with perceived seclusion. This can be behind refrigerators and freezers or in or around storage areas in your garage or basement, especially if they are not high traffic areas or if they are easily accessible for a mouse to hide in. Make it a habit to clean these areas at least quarterly to prevent activity from escalating. 
3)    Trim plants, shrubs and grasses away from your home. Not only will this help with other pest activity such as spider, pill bug and ant issues, but if mice have no where to hide along the perimeter of your home, they will likely go elsewhere to reside. Not allowing plants to grow against your house means the outside edge is exposed and you can easily do a visual inspection for rodent activity if you suspect some is occurring. 
4)    Set traps and call a professional. There are many online recommendations from essential oils to vinegar or mothballs to keep mice away naturally. You are free to use these routes, but if you want the mice gone ASAP, professional methods like those used by Milberger will yield the best results. Our 80+ years of experience tackling mice, rodents, insects, cockroaches and other pests in the Kansas City area is proof we know how to exterminate those pests!

Contact us or Call Milberger Pest Control at 816-761-1313 / 913-384-6760 to schedule an inspection in the Kansas City metro area with one of our trained technicians. The technician will evaluate your entire home to eliminate the mouse infestation.