Pest Control Overland Park

Milberger pest control fleas ticks pest control summer

Pest Control for Fleas and Ticks that Thrive in Warm Weather

July 10, 2018

Pest control in warmer weather is a challenge. The humidity in summer brings an increased population of fleas and ticks and the problems they can cause. Warm weather also brings pet owners and their pets outside (strolls in the park or attending outdoor events), making you both an easy target for infestation. Fortunately, there are many…

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Milberger Pest Control spring ants war

ANTS! Spring Pest Control

May 10, 2018

In the world of pest control we know it is spring because … ANTS! We dare you to find someone who has never encountered ants in their house, office or school. The majority of the Kansas City area residents have fought their fair share of battles against this annoying pest – whether it’s a nest…

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Winter Pest Control Could Save Your Home

January 9, 2018

Generally speaking, the last thing someone thinks about during the winter is pest control. The focus during the winter is usually on frozen pipes, icy sidewalks, icicles falling from gutters, broken heaters, frozen pipes, but pest control!?! Of course, frozen pipes, ice, downed trees and power lines are the problems that most homeowners dread; however,…

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Fall Mice and Rat Pest Control

November 13, 2017

We get pest control calls all year, mostly in the Spring and Summer – but Fall and Winter pest control is still in demand. Why? Because the cooler days makes some of the worst pest move into your home where it is warm. For instance, mice and rats. Some people may find them to be…

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The Reason DIY Pest Control is NOT a Good Idea

September 7, 2017

There are just as many DIY pest control solutions on the internet as there are pests in your home! Everett Milberger Pest Control has been exterminating pests in Kansas City since 1936, so we know a thing or two about pest control. Usually, we get the call for two reasons: DIY pest control solutions have…

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Unpack Bed Bugs From Your Travel Plans This Holiday with Milberger Pest Control

December 1, 2016

Seven tips to avoid bed bugs while your traveling for the holidays For Americans, the Thanksgiving and Christmas/New Year’s holidays are among the busiest long-distance travel periods of the year. The U.S. Department of Transportation estimates that the number of long-distance trips (to and from a destination 50 miles or more away) increases by 54…

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Milberger Pest Control Says “Boo” to Pests This Halloween

October 16, 2016

Spiders are everywhere around Blue Springs and Lee’s Summit during the Halloween season and we are not talking about decorations – The Black Widow According to the National Retail Foundation, U.S. consumers are expected to spend $6.9 billion on candy, costumes and other treats this Halloween.  Also, for the eleventh year in a row, the…

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Don’t Dust Off Drywood Termites

October 1, 2016

Milberger Pest Control has a long history of successfully treating and protecting homes from destructive termites – insects that cost American consumers nearly $5 billion annually in treatments and repairs. When most consumers think of termites, it’s the subterranean species. But did you know there’s a termite that doesn’t like to get its antennae dirty?…

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Milberger Pest Control — How to Spot Mice or Rats in your Kansas City Home

March 21, 2016

Common Signs of a Rodent Infestation Many people associate the cold weather with high heating bills, power outages and other related problems, but rodent infestations should also be added to this list of winter woes in Lee’s Summit & Blue Springs.  In fact, a survey by the National Pest Management Association found that 45 percent…

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Putting Pest Allergies to Sleep This Winter

December 22, 2015

The cooler temperatures that winter ushers in make allergy sufferers feel a little better, because pollen levels take a serious nosedive.  Still, it doesn’t mean an end to all allergies. Indoor allergens, including cats, dogs, dust mites, mold, and cockroach droppings – yes, cockroach droppings – can present a threat to your family’s health. What…

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